October 12, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Council Meeting
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 7:00 PM
Danube City Council Chambers
A regular meeting of the Danube City Council was conducted on October 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Gene Allex presiding.
The following Councilmembers were present: Al Strunc, Dave Maurice and Phil Standfuss.
Councilmembers absent: Ryan Bentley
Others Present: Chief of Police Les Schneider, City Clerk-Treasurer Sara Wilson, City Auditor Dennis Oberloh, and media.
Approval of Agenda
Councilmember Strunc moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the Agenda. The motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Councilmember Standfuss moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of September 28, 2011. The motion carried unanimously.
Chief of Police Les Schneider Employee Report
Chief of Police Les Schneider was present to give his monthly Police Department and employee report. Police Department statistics for the month of September are comparable to last year and were as follows: 63 calls, 42 reports, 33 traffic stops, 14 citations, 44 mutual assists and 4 home security checks.
Chief Schneider reported that he lowered and raised the flag at the City Office for 9-11. He sent in the POST Board Annual Compliance Review. He said all street lights except for those on Freedom Lane have been fixed.
Schneider reported that Tri-Valley received the letter from the City that requested they call the City Office when there is an issue at the school that needs to be addressed, so that the maintenance department can be contacted. He said they were confused by this as they have been contacting Schneider when issues arise. RCW requested the use of the locker room at the school after two football games. St. Matthews youth group called at the last minute to get into the school for youth group. The gym wasn’t available for them. Schneider told them to stop at the City Office to make future arrangements. Schneider helped unload the new backboards when they arrived at the school. The RCW Basketball Association collected donations to pay for them.
Chief Schneider requested that the council pass Resolution 07-2011 in support of traffic safety efforts. It is part of the Danube Police Department’s participation in the Towards Zero Deaths Campaign. First Response held 44 plan training on September 29. The current City Attorney bill was very small and was for 2 months.
Discussion took place regarding the possibility of developing a rental license for landlords in the City of Danube. There could be consequences to the landlord every time an officer was called to a rental property, with an end result in losing the rental license.
Councilmember Maurice moved and Councilmember Standfuss seconded a motion to pass Resolution 07-2011 in support of traffic safety efforts. The motion carried unanimously.
2010 Audit Report – Dennis Oberloh
City Auditor Dennis Oberloh of Oberloh and Associates was present to give the 2010 Audit Report. The report had been delayed due to the EDA theft investigation. Dennis reviewed the reports with the council and answered questions. Discussion took place regarding using the capital improvement fund, which was not set up to use in the past. The accounting software (CTAS) used by the City Clerk doesn’t give very user friendly budgeting reports, so the idea of using spreadsheets was discussed. The clerk was asked to research the 2010 overages for the next council meeting. Two findings sited in the audit were the same as every year and can’t be avoided. One deals with internal controls and separation of duties. With only one office employee, separation of duties is difficult. The other finding relates to auditor prepared financial statements. There was a third finding regarding the missing assets of over $20,000 from the EDA. The case has not been resolved, therefore the prosecuting attorney requested no discussion take place about it at this time. Dennis highly recommended that there be discussion once everything is settled.
Insurance Renewal
Councilmember Maurice told the council that Clerk Wilson checked with the LMCIT regarding a price on insuring the school building. Currently it is through Auto Owners Insurance. The price was comparable through LMCIT. The only thing would be that the City would only have one deductible if all insurance was through LMCIT. Clerk Wilson pointed out that there was terrorism coverage on the current policy for $125 per year. The council said that could be removed. There is also an equipment breakdown coverage on the policy for $211 per year that would cover equipment that would quit working in case wiring goes bad, for example. That was left on the policy.
Approval of Bills
Councilmember Strunc moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the bills as submitted in the amount of $20,304.73. The motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business before the council, Councilmember Standfuss moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. With all members voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.