
The city with heart

May 25, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 7:00 PM

Danube City Council Chambers


A regular meeting of the Danube City Council was conducted on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Gene Allex presiding. 


The following Councilmembers were present:  Bob Simpson, Al Strunc, Ryan Bentley, and Dave Maurice


Councilmembers absent:  none


Others Present:  Public Works Director Dan Kaufenberg, City Clerk-Treasurer Sara Wilson, media, and Craig Hebrink, CEO of Coop Country Farmers Elevator. 


Approval of Agenda


Councilmember Bentley moved and Councilmember Simpson seconded a motion to approve the Agenda with the addition of “roof” under “Community Center,” and “brush site signage,” “intersection of 4th Street and Oak Street,” and “transfer of city funds” under “New Business.’  The motion carried unanimously.   


Approval of Minutes


Councilmember Strunc moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of May 11, 2011, with minor corrections.  The motion carried unanimously. 


Public Works Director Dan Kaufenberg


Public Works Director, Dan Kaufenberg, was present to give his monthly employee report.   Kaufenberg reported that he had some damage to his pickup when backing into the shop.  It has been reported to insurance and will be fixed. 


Kaufenberg had the lift station cleaned.  A new starter switch was put on pump #1. A new switch will be ordered for pump #2 because it is getting worn.  The old switch will be kept and used as a backup. 


Kaufenberg has been looking for a nearby boiler refresher license class.  The only one nearby this summer is in July in Worthington and costs $190.  Councilmember Simpson said that for some licenses, if you fail the test, you can request a copy of it and then study off of the test.  Kaufenberg will check into that. 


Kaufenberg reported that Railroad Avenue is in bad shape with many potholes and that it needs gravel brought in.  The council suggested talking to Monson and having them take care of it since they are in town anyway.


Kaufenberg told the council that the new water main to feed Sam Lang’s property is complete and Lang has water pressure.  Kaufenberg was asked to get a quote to replace the front door on the City Office Building. 


Councilmember Maurice asked if Kaufenberg knew how deep the sludge layer at the bottom of the ponds is.  Kaufenberg doesn’t know, but he said he will contact Rural Water and they will measure it free of charge.


Kaufenberg informed the council that by the end of the year, Badger will no longer be making the remote readers for the water meters that the City has on the homes in Danube.  Kaufenberg has a few remote readers on hand.  The City will need to phase in a new remote system that will cost $5,500 for the main system and $120 for each meter. 


Sale of Playground Equipment


Kaufenberg brought a list of items to sell.  They will be listed in the paper and bids will be taken until July 11. 

Lift State Alarm System


Councilmember Simpson had some questions on the lift station monitoring system that Kaufenberg got a quote on.  Simpson wondered if more equipment would have to be purchased to allow the system to do what it is supposed to do.  Kaufenberg said that the salesman could possibly come to a council meeting. 


Brush Site Signage


Kaufenberg closed the brush site until further notice.  People have been putting garbage, pallets, bags full of leaves, and scrap lumber in the brush site.  People are not reading the signs as to where the brush and compost is supposed to go.  Craig Hebrink mentioned that in Sacred Heart they have started a new program where people have to check out a key at Kelly’s Korner when they want to put something out at the brush site.  He said that seems to be working.  Councilmember Maurice suggested new signs at the brush site that would include the words “Danube Residents Only.”  The council agreed to try the key method if the 212-1-Stop would agree to it.  Clerk Wilson will make a sign out sheet to place there.


Video Sewer Line Inspection Camera


Councilmember Strunc knows someone in Fargo who manufactures and sells sewer inspection systems.  The cart, 250 feet of cable, camera and video screen sell for $3,400.  Extra cable can be purchased.  Kaufenberg said he’d feel comfortable using the equipment and it would be a good way to inspect the sewer lines, especially now when he’s dealing with I & I issues.


The council suggested Kaufenberg figure out how much cable he would need and also get prices on a confined space fan and a smaller generator.  Councilmember Strunc said to let him know what is decided, as he will not be at the next meeting.


Part-Time Summer Maintenance


Clerk Wilson reported that applications for the part-time summer maintenance position were still being accepted.  It was decided that Kaufenberg and Councilmember Bentley will take care of interviewing and hiring, as they did last year.


2nd Street East Improvements


Clerk Wilson reported that an Oak Street Construction Agreement with Coop Country Farmers Elevator (CCFE) has been drawn up by the City Engineer, and the City Attorney is making a couple revisions to it.  It outlines the costs that CCFE will be responsible for now and in the future.  Wilson thought she’d be able to get the agreement to Mr. Hebrink on Thursday.


The council received a memo from the City Engineer outlining the changes that are in the works regarding Oak Street.


Mr. Hebrink informed the council that he had spoken with Jim Krogman, who owns property right next to where Oak Street and 2nd Street East come together.  Mr. Hebrink told Mr. Krogman that CCFE will be putting dust control on its road.  Mr. Krogman requested that CCFE plant hybrid willow trees for a noise barrier and Mr. Hebrink didn’t think the board would object to that. 


Community Center


The general feeling of the council is that they want the partial wall by the front door of the Community Center to stay there. 


Mayor Alex asked Councilmember Strunc if anyone has been contacted regarding the leaking roof at the Community Center.  Councilmember Maurice said he had talked to Jeff Sindelir.


Sump Pump Ordinance




Insurance Renewal


Councilmember Maurice has been looking at the City’s insurance renewal application and policy.  He told the council that he called Americana Agency for quotes on different deductibles and didn’t receive a call back.  Maurice called again and spoke to Les Schneider, Sr. and Schneider told him that there were no options for other deductibles.  Schneider said all cities have a $250 deductible, otherwise it would get too complicated.  Maurice told the council that he was bothered by this and called Clerk Wilson and asked her to call the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) to ask if there are different deductible options.  Clerk Wilson reported to the council that she called the LMC and asked if the City has to stay with a $250 deductible.  She was told no.  She was told that the following discounts apply to the following deductibles:  $500 deductible = 3.5% discount on the insurance premium; $1,000 deductible = 6.0% discount on the insurance premium; $2,500 deductible = 11.5% discount on the insurance premium. 


Councilmember Maurice also asked Schneider for clarification on why the City has always waived the tort liability limits.  Currently, the limit is $500,000 per person with a $1.5 million cap.  The City currently waives that limit and has an additional $1 million on top of that.  Schneider said it costs about 1% of the liability policy or about $50 and he said the reason to waive it would be for cases such as discrimination against the City. 


Newspaper editor Susan Williams told the council that most area communities do not waive the liability limits because it just opens to City up to more expense.


Councilmember Maurice thinks there are some things on the policy that need to change and he was having a hard time figuring out what the several different parks listed in the policy referred to.  He also feels the City should stick to the liability limit. 


Mayor Allex and Councilmember Maurice will look at the policy next week and determine if the coverages are appropriate.  A bigger deductible will also be considered.


Approval of Bills


Councilmember Maurice moved and Councilmember Bentley seconded a motion to approve the bills as submitted in the amount o $50,821.54.  The motion carried unanimously. 


New Recycling Schedule


The council was given a copy of the new recycling schedule for the City of Danube.  Recycling will now be picked up every other Friday. 


Intersection of Oak Street & 4th Street


Councilmember Simpson told the council that the yield sign at the intersection of Oak Street and 4th Street does not get obeyed and he wonders if anything can be done about it.  Mayor Allex will mention it to Chief Schneider.


Transfer of City Funds


Due to the purchase of a new squad car and paying engineering fees, Clerk Wilson needs to transfer some money from savings into checking.


Councilmember Simpson moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to transfer $40,000 from savings to checking.  The motion carried unanimously.





There being no further business before the council, Councilmember Bentley moved and Councilmember Simpson seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting.  With all members voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.




Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk

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