August 10, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Council Meeting
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:00 PM
Danube City Council Chambers
A regular meeting of the Danube City Council was conducted on August 10, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Gene Allex presiding.
The following Councilmembers were present: Al Strunc, Ryan Bentley, and Dave Maurice
Councilmembers absent: Bob Simpson
Others Present: Chief of Police Les Schneider, City Clerk-Treasurer Sara Wilson, media, and City of Danube Insurance Agent Les Schneider, Sr.
Approval of Agenda
Councilmember Bentley moved and Councilmember Strunc seconded a motion to approve the Agenda with the addition of ‘Community Center USDA Report’ under Old Business and ‘EDA’ under New Business. The motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Councilmember Strunc moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of July 27, 2011. The motion carried unanimously.
Open Forum
Les Schneider, Sr. was present representing Americana Insurance Agency. Schneider is the insurance agent for the City of Danube. Schneider told the council that he reviewed the work comp audit results and saw that the fire department was charged based on a members served population of 1102. A couple years ago Schneider took a survey and found the actual population served is 835. LMCIT agreed to refund $259 based on this finding but will be charging based on their numbers in the future.
Schneider expressed his concern over the City Council not waiving monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04. He said the City is only saving $133 per year and risking exposure to increased expenses in the case of discrimination lawsuits, among other things listed in the Statute. He said the City has never before chosen not to waive the liability limits.
Schneider also mentioned to the council that they are saving $1544 per year by raising the deductible from $250 to $2500 as of July 14.
Schneider told Clerk Wilson that the new policy was emailed to her.
Clerk Wilson asked Schneider about the Bond that the City has on her compared to what the LMCIT offers. He said the Bond covers Clerk Wilson because she handles money and for the most part, nobody else in the City does. LMCIT offers something that covers all City Employees and would also cover City Council members and that would be an extra employee dishonesty policy. If the City had that, the EDA theft would have been covered by insurance. Bigger cities, or cities with municipal liquor stores usually carry that policy.
Councilmember Strunc thinks the City should waive the tort liability limit. He said he wasn’t present at the meeting where it was decided to not waive the limit. He thinks spending the $133 is worth the extra coverage. Councilmember Maurice thinks the current coverage is adequate and the City’s exposure to discrimination lawsuits in pretty minimal.
Councilmember Strunc moved and Councilmember Bentley seconded a motion to waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04, to the extent of the limits of the liability coverage obtained from LMCIT. The motion carried with Mayor Allex and Councilmembers Strunc, and Bentley voting in favor and Councilmember Maurice voting against it.
The council agreed that the deductible will be left at $2500. If it seems that this was a costly decision, it can be changed next year or at any time.
Chief of Police Les Schneider Employee Report
Chief of Police Les Schneider was present to give his monthly employee report. Danube Police Department statistics for the month of July 2011 were down from last year and were as follows: 68 calls, 33 reports, 45 traffic stops, 16 citations, 42 mutual assists, and 5 home security checks.
Schneider reported that he and Public Works Director Dan Kaufenberg met with the insurance adjuster on the damage to the school building resulting from the July 1 storm. He said there was roof damage, floor damage from water and broken windows and screens.
Schneider performed lockdown drills at Tri-Valley. He has sent in the required forms to the Post Board for continuing education reimbursement. Ten street lights still need repair from the storm. The new squad car is working great and was in the Olivia parade on July 30. Winfield Township is using a room in the school for storage because their townhall was destroyed in the July 1 storm.
Mayor Allex asked Schneider if the blighted vehicles at 101 3rd Street have been taken care of. Schneider said they were for sale but they did not have current tabs. He will contact the owner.
2nd Street East Improvements
The council was given information regarding bonding and assessing. It will be discussed at the next regular council meeting.
Blighted Properties
This was discussed during Chief Schneider’s portion of the meeting.
Community Center USDA Report
Mayor Allex asked if the USDA Compliance Report was completed. Clerk Wilson said it was completed and sent in. She also requested that the councilmembers fill out the USDA Board Member Contact Questionaires. They filled them out and gave them to her.
Approval of Bills
Councilmember Strunc moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the bills as submitted in the amount o $11,257.41. The motion carried unanimously.
Clerk Wilson read the letter of resignation from Councilmember Bob Simpson. He moved out of town and will not be able to be on the City Council anymore.
Councilmember Strunc moved and Councilmember Bentley seconded a motion to accept the resignation of City Councilmember Bob Simpson and pass a resolution accepting a councilmember resignation and declaring a council vacancy. The motion carried unanimously.
The council asked Clerk Wilson to advertise the council vacancy for a couple weeks.
Clerk Wilson will be attending a FEMA Public Assistance briefing on Tuesday, August 16 in Redwood Falls relating to the July 1st storm.
Sump Pump Ordinance Mailing
Clerk Wilson presented a letter to the council that she would like to mail to all residents that outlines the new requirements under the revised sump pump ordinance. The council approved the letter and said all homes will be inspected.
DNR Park Grant Post Completion Inspection
The City of Danube received a letter from MN Department of Natural Resources that stated they performed a Post Completion Park Inspection on the Danube Recreation Area which includes the basketball courts, ballfields, fencing and lighting. The report states that the basketball and tennis courts need redevelopment and the restrooms are not accessible to persons with disabilities.
The council asked that Clerk Wilson email the lady that sent the letter and ask if there is grant money available for redevelopment.
Councilmember Strunc is the current President of the Danube Economic Development Association (EDA) and told the council that a Victim Impact Statement was discussed regarding the EDA theft. One will be filled out for the EDA as a whole and also one will be filled out be Clerk Wilson individually.
Correspondence took place regarding the possible Union Meetings for SMBSC being held in a room in the school building. Charges for Dee Bright’s dance class were discussed. The budget meeting was changed to September 7. The council would like Kaufenberg to find someone to get rid of the loose branches high in the trees in the park.
Respectfully submitted: Sara Wilson, City Clerk