
The city with heart

July 13, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 7:00 PM

Danube City Council Chambers


A regular meeting of the Danube City Council was conducted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Gene Allex presiding. 


The following Councilmembers were present:  Bob Simpson and Dave Maurice


Councilmembers absent:  Ryan Bentley and Al Strunc


Others Present:  Police Chief Les Schneider and media.


Approval of Agenda


Councilmember Maurice moved and Councilmember Simpson seconded a motion to approve the Agenda.  The motion carried unanimously.   


Approval of Minutes


Councilmember Simpson moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of June 22, 2011.  The motion carried unanimously. 


Employee Report


Chief of Police Les Schneider was present to give his monthly employee report.  Police activity for the month of June 2011 included 62 calls, 33 reports, 38 traffic stops, 15 citations, 45 mutual assists, 5 home security checks and 3 DAP citations. 


Schneider reported that he received his new Wastewater Class D.  He also reported that the owners of the blighted properties have been notified and have taken action or are in the process of taking action to clean up their property and Schneider will keep on top of that throughout the summer. Schneider informed the council on updates being done on the laptop for the squad car.


The brush site has been open to allow for storm clean up.  It has been monitored and seems to be being used properly. 


Parking has been allowed on Oak Street and 2nd Street East while construction has been stalled, but that will stop once the contractors start to work on the street again.  There will be an Ordinance ready for the next council meeting that will prohibit parking on Oak Street and 2nd Street East.  Signs and yellow painted curbs will be further discussed and truck drivers will be reminded that they can park by the City Maintenance Building. 


There were extra officers on duty for Saturday night during Danube Fun Days.  It was a quiet night without many problems.  Schneider said the Danube Area Action Club (DAAC) did a good job and he thanked Public Works Director Dan Kaufenberg for picking up and returning the extra barricades from the City Olivia for the Fun Days Events.  The City of Olivia lets Danube use their barricades every year because Danube does not have enough of them.  It is much appreciated. 


Schneider reported that on June 25 the entire department got qualified in firearms training.  On June 22 the Danube Police Department had a compliance review by the MN POST Board.  POST Board reimbursement needs to be submitted by July 29. 


Schneider summarized his involvement with the July 1st storm and informed the council on the Damage and Impact Assessment Report that he and Clerk Wilson filled out for Mike Hennen, Renville County Emergency Manager.  This will be part of the Preliminary Damage Assessment Meeting with a representative from the State Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division.  Renville County damage is estimated to be $2.1 million. 


2nd Street East Improvements


In a memo to the council, City Engineer Lee Elfering recommended approving Partial Pay Estimate #2 to the Contractor, Monson Corporation, in the amount of $82,757.61.  He also stated that the street is currently in a gravel state with concrete curb and gutter installed.  Due to this spring’s wet conditions, he directed the Contractor to wait until late July or early August to start paving the street.  This will allow the subgrade more drying time.


In a phone conversation with Mr. Elfering, Mayor Allex found out the Contractor would start paving the week of July 18. 


Councilmember Maurice moved and Councilmember Simpson seconded a motion to approve the Partial Pay Estimate #2 to Monson Corporation in the amount of $82,757.61.  The motion carried unanimously.  


Ordinance 71


Councilmember Maurice moved and Councilmember Simpson seconded a motion to approve the changes made to Ordinance 71 which is an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of any storm water or surface water into the sanitary sewer system and to provide for inspection of property to determine illegal connections to the sanitary sewer system and to provide a surcharge for non-compliance with inspection and connection requirements.  The motion carried unanimously.  


Theft of EDA Funds




Community Center Update


The back door of the Community Center needs paint.  It’s a metal door.  Custodian Randy Grunke has said he can do it.  The council needs to decide if Randy should do it or if a body shop should do it.  Councilmember Maurice said it will take the body shop awhile to get to it.  Councilmembers Maurice and Strunc will look at the door and bring a recommendation to the next council meeting.


The council was made aware of a Community Center renter that didn’t receive part of the damage deposit back due to damage. 


Approval of Bills


The council reviewed the claims submitted for approval.  There was a discrepancy in the report that was submitted.  Some of the checks on the report had been approved at previous meetings. 


Councilmember Simpson moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the bills as submitted.  The motion carried unanimously.  




The deadline for the City Property up for bid was July 11th.  Brandy Lanning bid $100 for all of the playground equipment.  There were no other bids on the playground equipment.  The only bid on the 1995 Ford Crown Victoria was from John Sandgren for $315.  Richard Lemcke bid $3 on one set of Firemen’s turnout gear.  Someone showed interest on the hockey boards but did not put a bid in. 


Mayor Allex moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to approve the submitted bids for the City Property for sale.  The motion carried unanimously.  


USDA Compliance Review


The council received a copy of the Compliance Review results letter and a Board Member Contact Questionaire to fill out. 


Request for Donation


The council received a letter from Renville County Heartland Express asking for support from the City of Danube in the amount of $794.  Danube sent $794 to Heartland Express last year.


Councilmember Simpson moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to send Renville County Heartland Express $794.  The motion carried unanimously.  


Vacation, Sick, Comp Time Quarterly Update


The council received a quarterly update on employee vacation, sick and comp time balances.


Transfer of City Funds


Councilmember Maurice moved and Councilmember Simpson seconded a motion to transfer $60,000 from savings to the checking account.  The motion carried unanimously.  




The Basketball Association has raised $1,500 to put new basketball backboards in the Danube school gym.  They need a total of $2,000 so they are asking that the City of Danube help with the remaining $500. 


Councilmember Maurice moved and Councilmember Simpson seconded a motion to pay $500 towards the purchase of backboards for the basketball hoops in the gym at the Danube School.  The motion carried unanimously.  




There being no further business before the council, Councilmember Simpson moved and Councilmember Maurice seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting.  With all members voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.



Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk

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