
The city with heart

February 23, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes


Regular Meeting

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 7:00 PM

Danube City Council Chambers


A regular meeting of the Danube City Council was conducted on February 23, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Gene Allex presiding.  Council Members Ryan Bentley, Al Strunc and Bob Simpson were present.  Public Works Director Dan Kaufenberg and City Clerk-Treasurer Sara Wilson were also present.  Council Member Sharon Lothert was absent

Approval of Agenda


Council Member Strunc moved and Council Member Simpson seconded a motion to approve the Agenda.  The motion carried unanimously.   


Approval of Minutes


Council Member Strunc moved and Council Member Bentley seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of February 23, 2011.  The motion carried unanimously. 

Public Works Director Dan Kaufenberg


Public Works Director Dan Kaufenberg was present to give his monthly employee report.  He told the council of his need to order some repair parts for the steam traps on the boilers at the school building. 


Council Member Strunc moved and Council Member Bentley seconded a motion to allow Kaufenberg to order repair parts for the steam traps at the school building.  The motion carried unanimously. 


Kaufenberg reported on the following items:

o   He is still working on finding solutions to the sanitary sewer issues

o   There’s a leak in the roof of his office that he’ll have fixed in the spring.

o   The ponds are full and he’ll start discharge on March 4th.

o   He wondered if the City pays the driver of Art Nyquist’s tractor or if that is Art’s responsibility.  It is Art’s responsibility and Bentley will notify.

o   He has been unsuccessful at trying to get his shop key back from Don Lothert since he is no longer driving the plow truck.  Mayor Allex will try to get it and also mentioned that Kaufenberg could stop at Grizzly Supply if Lothert is there.

o   He reminded the council that he’ll be at the MRWA conference March 1-3 and on vacation March 10-20. 


Kaufenberg informed the council that Dennis Zieske’s truck is always sitting on the road when the City is plowing.  The plow driver got stuck this time and a neighbor had to help get him out.  Zieske always cleans up after he moves his truck, but that’s not the issue.  Mayor Allex will talk to Chief Schneider.  The council feels a citation needs to be issued or the situation needs to be fixed.  It will be discussed at the next meeting, which Chief Schneider will be at.  The dead end on 5th Street is also an ongoing problem.


While Kaufenberg was still present, the leaky roof in the Community Center was discussed again.  Council Member Al Strunc stressed that it was a “hot roof” situation that needs to be dealt with in the correct way in the spring.  It leaks in the winter, not in the summer during rain storms.  Strunc said that Council Member Lothert said she was going to contact some contractors to look at the roof, since she is on the Community Center/Building committee.  However, since she was not at the meeting, Strunc agreed that he’ll contact someone in the spring and Clerk Wilson will give him a reminder in April. 


Approve Bills


Council Member Strunc asked questions for clarification on the following bills:  Farmer’s Co-op Oil, Vosika, and Napa.  Clerk Wilson and Kaufenberg answered his questions. 


Council Member Simpson moved and Council Member Bentley seconded a motion to approve the bills in the amount of $26,331.61.  The motion passed unanimously


2nd Street East


The council packet included a Memo from City Engineer Lee Elfering requesting the City Council approve the plans for the 2nd Street Improvement and authorize the advertisement for bids.


Council Member Strunc moved and Council Member Bentley seconded a motion to approve the plans for the reconstruction of 2nd Street from Hwy 212 to Oak Street and the reconstruction of Oak Street from 2nd Street approximately 250 feet west and to authorize advertisement for bids.  The motion passed.


Water Cooler


Clerk Wilson asked if she could get a water cooler for the City Office.  She said she was quoted a rental price of approximately $9 per month and $5.75 per gallon of water.  Council Member Strunc said a cooler could be purchased for not much over $100 and said Clerk Wilson could do that and fill the water jugs in Olivia for $1. 


Building Permit Application


Council Member Bentley moved and Council Member Simpson seconded a motion to approve a building permit application from Co-op Country Farmer’s Elevator to build add to the grain storage and drying on their site.  The motion passed unanimously.




There being no further business before the council, Council Member Simpson moved and Council Member Bentley seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting.  With all members voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.



Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk

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