
The city with heart

November 3, 2010 Canvassing Meeting minutes


Special Meeting

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3:30 PM

Danube City Council Chambers



A special meeting of the Danube City Council was conducted on November 3, 2010 at 3:30 p.m. with Mayor Gene Allex presiding.  Council Members Sharon Lothert, Ryan Bentley, Bob Simpson and Al Strunc were present.  City Clerk-Treasurer Sara Wilson was also present.




The purpose of the special meeting was to convene as the canvassing board for the municipal election of November 2, 2010. 


Council Member Bentley moved and Council Member Simpson seconded a motion to certify that Gene Allex, Sr. has been elected Mayor of the City of Danube for the term of two years and Sharon Lothert and Bobby Simpson have been elected as Council Members for the City of Danube for the term of four years beginning on January 2, 2011.  The motion carried unanimously. 




There being no further business before the council, Council Member Bentley moved and Council Member Lothert seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting.  With all members voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.



Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk

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