
The city with heart

February 24, 2010 council meeting minutes


The regular council meeting of the Danube City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Allex at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 24, 2010.  Present:  Sharon Lothert, Bob Simpson, and Ryan Bentley.  Absent:  Al Strunc.


Also present:  Dan Kaufenberg, Public Works Director; Andy Davis, Manager Sacred Heart Saints


A motion was made by Bentley to approve the agenda with the following additions under old business:  Clerk’s Schedule.  Simpson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


A motion was made by Lothert to approve the minutes of the regular council meeting of February 10, 2010.  Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


Public Works Director, Dan Kaufenberg, was present to give his monthly employee report.  Kaufenberg discussed the following items:

·         The boilers have been running well at the school building.  Curt from MN Boilers is planning a visit.

·         The sander on the plow truck had to get fixed by Schmoll’s Welding.

·         J & R Wastewater will be giving a price on cleaning the lift station.  Kaufenberg is trying to contact another company for a quote as well.

·         Two contractors have looked at the roof of the school building to give a proposal.

·         Kaufenberg told the council that if we get another snow storm, he doesn’t have any room to put the snow.  He has been cleaning off storm drains and moving snow off of the corners of the intersections in town.

·         Lothert told Kaufenberg that the light in the women’s bathroom at the Community Center won’t go off.  He had to put the old light in because he hasn’t been able to find a replacement. 

·         Bentley asked if the light had been replaced above the door at the firehall.  Kaufenberg did replace it and also cleaned the ice away from the door.


There were no new updates on the Mahoney lawsuit.


The topic of the playground equipment was discussed.  The council talked about where they would get the rest of the money for the cost of it.  $1500 has been donated so far.  The cable franchise fee the City receives each year can be used for projects.  Allex wondered if he could order the equipment so the City’s name is on the list.  Bentley stated stated that they need to find out how much pea rock or sand will cost.  The insurance company still needs to be checked with as far as what can be used for a filler under the equipment.  Lothert asked if Allex had talked to the Danube Legion about a donation.


Regarding the zoning of the land owned by Co-op Country Farmer’s Elevator, the clerk brought a copy of Danube ordinance 63, which establishes an urban taxing district and a rural taxing district.  Section 4 discusses the change of a district and states that “tracts of land within each parcel shall be changed from the rural taxing district to urban taxing district whenever development for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes occurs.”  Allex would like Mark Erickson to look at the wording of this.  Allex suggested that the City needs to buy a street sign.  Bentley wondered if the road would actually be the Elevator’s driveway and if it is, do they need or want a sign there.  The clerk talked to Sheriff Agre and was told the street needs to be names 6th Street East to keep consistent with the rest of Danube.  Allex will talk to Craig Hebrink.  The 2nd petition that was signed by four property owners, requesting the City to move forward with paving 2nd Street East, did not meet the criteria to move forward with the project.  At this point, there would need to be a 4/5 vote of the council to move forward.  The council discussed their personal opinions and decided that they will not move forward at this time.  With cuts in LGA in the future and an expensive roof repair at the school, there is not room in the budget for the City’s portion of the expenses.


Andy Davis, manager of the Sacred Heart Saints amateur baseball team, approached the council about hanging a batting cage in the gym at the school.  He would use existing holes in the walls and put it where the bleachers were that were taken out of the gym.  They will not use a batting machine.  The cage is 48 feet long and has 2-3 feet of clearance between the top of it and the ceiling of the gym.  It can be pushed back when it’s not being used so that it’s out of the way.  They would use it 2 times per week in March and April and as soon as weather allows them to practice outside, they would take it down.  The council said that was fine.


A motion was made by Lothert to sign the Great Plains interruptible gas sales service agreement.  Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


The personnel policy was tabled due to the fact that not all council members had a chance to completely read it. 


The upcoming Community Center and School Building rentals were reviewed by the council.  In the next two weeks the Girl Scouts are using the Community Center for cookie pick up, the Danube Legion will hold their annual meeting, the Danube Lions are having their waffle feed and Winfield Township will hold their annual meeting.  Men’s basketball, 4th grade basketball and Adult Dodgeball continue at the gym. 


A motion was made by Lothert to approve the bills as submitted with the exception of the ETI payment and the addition to the Renville Hardware bill.  Simpson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


The need for more hours for the Clerk was discussed and will be decided at the next council meeting. 


The council received a list of unpaid utility bills that are scheduled for disconnection on February 25. 


A motion was made by Bentley to allow Les Schneider, Jr. to attend the ETI conference in April and to pay the $375 fee, plus lodging and mileage.  Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Lothert to have the door open between the bar and the hall for the Legion’s Annual Meeting on February 25, 2010.  Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


Discussion took place about people being in the Clerk’s office unnecessarily when the office isn’t open.  There have been some items missing in the office.  Allex suggested changing the lock on the door to the closet.  Allex is trying to get computers from RCW for the police station and fire department.


Simpson noted that he had stopped to check out the Adult Dodgeball at the school gym and he asked where alcohol was allowed in the school.  It is only allowed in the entry area, not in the gym.   Discussion took place about who is liable if someone is hurt at the gym.  Bentley wondered if we could post a sign saying “not responsible for accidents” in order to cover the City.  This will need to be checked into further.  Bentley mentioned that the sugar beet plant has a security camera up for bid and wondered if the City would be interested in putting one in the gym.  Some wiring would need to be done.  The council showed interest in that possibility and agreed that Bentley should put a bid in.


There being no further business to discuss, at 8:50 p.m. Lothert made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


 Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk

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