August 25, 2010 council meeting minutes
Mayor Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 11, 2010. Councilmembers present: Sharon Lothert, Al Strunc, Ryan Bentley. Absent: Bob Simpson
Also present: Chief of Police Les Schneider, Jr., and Media.
A motion was made by Bentley to approve the agenda. Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Strunc to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 28, 2010 as submitted. Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
There was no update available on the Mahoney case. The Clerk needs to have two members of the building committee check to see if the garage is in compliance and whether Mahoney purchased property from Zieske.
The rental schedule at the Community Center and School building was reviewed and the following items were discussed:
· Bentley had another HVAC person look at the boiler situation at the school. Steve from System-Technology Services said he could disable one boiler and hang it from the ceiling for $300-$500. He has a call into the State to see if they would be okay with that set-up.
· Discussion took place again about the cement by the elevator shaft that slopes in towards the building. The council agreed that it should be looked at as upkeep maintenance. Strunc will check with Pennings to see if the bid he gave is exactly what the council is requesting.
· Lothert told the council that the summer part-time maintenance employee has been painting at the Community Center. She said she will talk to Terry Zieske about painting the back door on the Hall because the paint is peeling off.
Chief of Police, Les Schneider, was present to give his July monthly report to the council. Statistics for July were 77 calls, 52 reports, 68 traffic stops, 28 citations, 47 mutual assists and 3 home security checks. Other business discussed:
· Schneider felt Danube Fun Days went well. He had 4 officers on duty. He asked the clerk to thank the City of Olivia for the use of barricades and Renville County Parks for the use of picnic tables.
· The Police Department’s POST Board Continuing Education reimbursement money was received in the amount of $1,433.98.
· The title on the forfeited car was transferred into the name of the new owner.
· Schneider asked for a check for $100 to the Minnesota Sheriff’s Association, which is the match amount for the MN camera grant.
· All street lights have been repaired by Xcel Energy.
· The Police Dept received $70 from the owner of a towed vehicle, to cover the amount billed to the City.
· Schneider reported that there was a gas smell in the kitchen at Tri-Valley. The vents are working.
· Schneider was involved in a foot pursuit July 20 & 21 that ended when he apprehended the suspect.
· Schneider is in the process of getting 2 citations filed under the Blight Ordinance.
· Schneider was asked why the water tower went dry in town. The alarm is supposed to go off if the water level gets to mid level. It’s a 50,000 gallon tank. Danube uses approximately 30,000 gallons per day, according to Schneider. The alarm was just repaired recently. The clerk will find the name of the company that did the repairs.
The Clerk has contacted Dennis at Oberloh and Associates about assessing the City’s needs for a funding source for the 2nd Street paving project. Dennis has the feasibility report and will get back to the Clerk after he’s reviewed it.
The Clerk reported that Les Schneider, Sr. stopped in her office and told her that any sidewalk repairs would be the responsibility of the homeowner. Strunc wants Wilson to find out how the sidewalks were handled when they were put in.
Allex spoke with Dale from Renville Sibley Coop about ideas for providing power to the City of Danube. Allex asked the Clerk to check with the League of MN Cities on whether it’s possible to buy out Xcel Energy in Danube and the steps it would take. The Clerk has contacted the League and is waiting for a response.
The Clerk put together a School Gym Rental Procedure Policy to present to the Council (attached).
A motion was made by Lothert to approve the School Gym Rental Procedure. Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The council asked questions about several bills that were presented for payment, including supplies purchased for painting at the Community Center, the amount of hours spent cleaning at the Community Center, and the insurance coverage costs.
A motion was made by Strunc to approve the bills as submitted in the amount of $37,176.24. Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Strunc to approve the employee purchasing policy (attached), as submitted by the City Clerk. Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Strunc to allow the door to be open between the Community Center and the bar for the Allex wedding reception on Saturday, August 21, 2010. Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A quote was received from Electric Pump in the amount of $3974.61 to replace the check valves at the lift station. Strunc asked that another quote be obtained.
The LGA certification was received by the Clerk and copied for the council. Strunc would like a guide to be able to read and understand the breakdown. The Clerk will check into this.
Strunc would like to have a report from Kaufenberg on what was found when the sewer lines were cleaned out.
The Clerk will be on vacation most of next week.
At 8:55 p.m., there being no further discussion, a motion was made by Lothert to adjourn the meeting. Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted: Sara Wilson, City Clerk