
The city with heart

July 28, 2010 council meeting minutes



Mayor Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 28, 2010.  Councilmembers present:  Sharon Lothert, Al Strunc, Ryan Bentley, and Bob Simpson.  Absent: None


Also present:  Les Schneider, Chief of Police; media


A motion was made by Lothert to approve the agenda.  Simpson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Simpson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting July 14, 2010 as submitted.  Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


The council reviewed the upcoming rental schedule for the Community Center and school building.  The hall will be used for a bridal shower and a family reunion. 


Lothert informed the council that the part-time summer maintenance worker has been painting the posts, entry and closet at the Community Center.  When it started raining during the Fun Days Saturday night street dance, someone authorized opening the door between the Community Center and the bar.  In the future, forms need to be signed ahead of time, in case of rain. 


Discussion took place about when the City charges rent to use the gym at the school building, and when no rent is charged.  The Clerk said that the way she has understood it, since she started her job, was that the rent is $100 for the school gym, unless it’s a legitimate non-profit agency or organization renting the gym.  She stated that the damage deposit is $250, unless alcohol will be present in the entry way, and then the deposit is $350.  More recently, the council decided that, additionally, if an organization is charging an admission to their event, then they will need to pay the $100 rent, even if it’s a non-profit organization.  The Clerk was then asked to write up the policy so the council is entirely clear on the procedure.


Although the Public Works Director, Dan Kaufenberg, was not present, the council discussed an estimate for disabling one of the boilers at the school building.  It would cost approximately $2,500 to do this.  The Clerk told the council that Kaufenberg’s opinion was against disabling a boiler.  Allex also had talked to someone experienced with boilers and was told that by letting a boiler sit unused, it will deteriorate.  Then when it’s needed, it may not work.  Discussion will continue when Kaufenberg is present. 


The council was presented with the 2nd Street feasibility report prepared by Lee Elfering of Elfering and Associates.  The Clerk informed the council that Lee would like to set up a workshop with the council to discuss some details of the possible project.  She will contact Lee and ask if he can be in Danube at 7pm on August 2 or August 9. 


A motion was made by Strunc to approve the bills in the amount of $14,525.53.  Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


In the future, the Clerk will put a copy of the credit card bill into the council packets.


Discussion took place among the council about where the responsibility lies in replacing or fixing City sidewalks.  Strunc wants to know who pays for the cost of replacement and if the council should have a plan to budget for upcoming sidewalk costs.  No decisions were made.


The Clerk met with Karen Young of Xcel Energy about the electric franchise contract, which expires in 2011.  An electric franchise ordinance was given to the Clerk by Xcel Energy, for council review.  The council wants to check into their options before signing the contract.


The Clerk received permission to have Torkelson Lock Service repair a lock at City Hall. 


The Clerk submitted to the council a resolution to appoint herself as the data practices responsible authority for the City of Danube.  State law dictates that a city employee needs to be appointed to this position. 


A motion was made by Strunc to accept the resolution (attached).  Simpson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


The council received a quote from Hardline to do some street repairs in Danube.  Discussion was tabled until the next meeting so Kaufenberg can have some input. 


Quotes were received from RMK Construction and Pennings Construction for replacing some cement around the elevator at the school building.  Strunc will look into this further and ask some questions of Pennings about their quote. 


Chief of Police, Les Schneider, was present to give his monthly employee report.  Statistics for June 2010 Police Department activity are:  88 calls, 53 reports, 48 traffic stops, 21 citations, 37 mutual assists and 8 home security checks.  Other business was discussed as follows:

·         The forfeited car was sold to the highest bidder, Greg Allex, for $425.  The money must be used for police officer training. 

·         The Police Department was awarded one MN DPS camera grant for an in-car camera.

·         8 of the 11 blighted properties have been cleaned up.  The remaining ones will be issued citations.

·         Renville County will be updating their software program in November.  Therefore the Police Department should hold off on getting onto the County’s program.

·         POST Board continuing education reimbursement paperwork was sent in.  The department can expect a $1200 reimbursement.

·         The City will be participating in a vehicle fair at Tri-Valley on July 29.  Danube fire trucks, ambulance, and squad car will be in the playground parking lot for about an hour.



·         In Schneider’s opinion, the Mahoneys’ shed is done and in compliance as of July 3.  The roof has been lowered and Mahoney is purchasing 6 inches of land from his neighbor, Terry Zieske.  The council feels that a couple men on the building committee should inspect the changes to see if Mahoney complied. 

·         Schneider called Xcel Energy to fix 8 street lights.  They will be in town within 2 weeks.



There being no further business to discuss, at 8:50 p.m. a motion was made by Lothert to adjourn the meeting.  Bentley seconded and the motion passed unanimously.




Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk


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