
The city with heart

April 28, 2010 council meeting minutes



Mayor Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28, 2010.  Councilmembers present:  Sharon Lothert, Ryan Bentley, and Bob Simpson.  Absent: Al Strunc


Also present:  Dan Kaufenberg, Public Works Director; Craig Hebrink                   


A motion was made by Lothert to approve the agenda with the addition of “Public Hearing for rezoning request” and under old business:  “2nd Street East.”   Simpson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Simpson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 14, 2010.  Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


A motion was made by Simpson to rezone the building site portion of Coop Country Farmers Elevator land east of Danube (Exhibit “A” attached) from residential to commercial.  Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


Public Works Director, Dan Kaufenberg, was present to give his monthly employee report.  The following items were discussed:

·         Dan showed the council pictures of the water tower that he received from H & H Contracting after they cleaned the water tower.  The council also had the opportunity to review the reports and quotes H & H provided.  The main things that were recommended to be done were sandblasting and recoating the interior roof of the tank and repairing/replacing the hub and spider rod system inside the tank.  H & H Contracting also included a new contract for biennial cleaning for the next 6 years. 

·         Dan informed the council that his fluoride tester is not accurate.  He tests weekly for the monthly reports he must file.  A new fluoride tester will cost $384. 

·         Dan checked into street signs and posts.  A dead end sign for 6th Street East will cost $69.  A six inch street sign with 3 inch letters will be $30.  Posts cost $18 each and Dan needs some for other areas in town as well.  He will order them and check with Craig Hebrink to see where the signs should be placed. 

·         The conveyor on the street sweeper stopped moving.  Possibly, the lower bearings went out.  The belts are ripped up on the edges.  Dan is getting a quote from McQueen Equipment for more repairs. 

·         Dan has some people interested in buying the old slide from the park.  The clerk needs a list of all equipment for sale. 

·         Cleaning the sewer lines was discussed.  Dan received a quote from Infratech for cleaning and vacuuming the sewer lines and list station as well as use of camera in the lines.  The prices are based on a 16 block minimum.  The quoted price to clean and vacuum the lines is $.99 per foot and $214 per hour to vacuum the lift station.  Dan estimates $6,000 to clean and vacuum 1/3 of the town’s sewer lines.  To run the camera through the sewer lines is $.74 per foot.  To run the camera through all the sewer lines in town would be approximately $13,000.  The council discussed getting bids from other companies to run cameras through all the sewer lines before cleaning them.  That way,


the trouble spots would be known and areas that don’t need attention could be bypassed.  Nothing has been done to the sewer lines since 1976 when the pipes were put in. 

·         Dan asked, again, when he could start his summer hours working.  The council agreed to Monday, May 3.  He will work four 10 hour days each week during the summer.

·         Lothert brought up the condition of 2nd Street East.  Residents have complained to her about the frost boils in the road and about dust control.  Dan will be asked to talk to Haney’s about cutting off the front boils and filling them in. 

·         The lawnmower had to into Schoffman’s.  A hydraulic hose was pinched when the deck got raised.  They rerouted hoses so this won’t happen again. 

·         The bill from Monson Corporation for the Oak Street water main break was discussed. 

·         Bentley addressed the idea of the City possibly purchasing a trailer for hauling the lawnmower and other things.  Dan had to rent a trailer to take the lawnmower to Schoffman’s for service.  Bentley received a couple quotes for a 6 ½ x 12 foot trailer that were just under $1,500.  He will see if Renville Sales Pavillion will drop the price by the amount the City paid to rent a trailer.  There is room in the budget under miscellaneous capital outlay for the purchase of the trailer.


A motion was made by Simpson to purchase a new a fluoride tester for $384.  Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


There were no updates on the Mahoney lawsuit. 


The Community Center rentals were reviewed by the council.  Census Training continues through April 30.  On April 29, the RAPAD Coalition will hold a meeting.  May 1st the Hall will be used for a baby shower and May 8th Ladies Day Out will be held.  The Danube Senior Citizens meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. 


Blighted properties were quickly discussed and will be addressed again at the next meeting with the Chief of Police is present.


The Clerk presented an Out Of State Travel Policy for Elected Officials (Exhibit “B” attached).  A motion was made by Lothert to adopt the policy as submitted.  Simpson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Bentley to approve the claims as submitted in the amount of $21,259.15.  Simpson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


A motion was made by Bentley to approve a building permit to install a fence at 101 South 2nd Street.  Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


Lothert discussed missing items at the Community Center.  There are dishes, silverware and a table missing.  The council discussed possibly having a sign out sheet for use of dishes and utensils and then making the renter responsible for anything missing.  They also discussed not


having anything available.  Dishes and silverware will now be locked up and only available upon request. 


Picnic tables will no longer be allowed to leave the park except for City Wide functions. 


Bentley and Kaufenberg will determine which spots in town need repair this year and report back to the council. 


The Clerk requested to attend a free ½ day PERA workshop in Marshall on May 5.  A motion was made by Bentley to allow her to attend.  Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


There being no further business, at 8:45 p.m. a motion was made by Lothert to adjourn the meeting.  Simpson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.




Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk

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