September 8, 2010 Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 7:00 PM
Danube City Council Chambers
A regular meeting of the Danube City Council was conducted on September 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Gene Allex presiding. Council Members Ryan Bentley, Sharon Lothert, Bob Simpson and Al Strunc were present. Police Chief Les Schneider and media were also present. City Clerk-Treasurer Sara Wilson was absent.
Approval of Agenda
Council Member Lothert moved and Council Member Strunc seconded a motion to approve the Agenda. The motion carried unanimously
Approval of Minutes
Council Member Strunc moved and Council Member Bentley seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of August 25, 2010 as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.
Mahoney Lawsuit
Mayor Allex reported (from the absent Clerk’s notes) that Jerry Jahnke and Cal Lueck signed off on the original building permit application filled out by Kelly and Charlotte Mahoney regarding the garage they built. At this point, the building seems to be in compliance with the application and City Ordinance.
Chief of Police Activity Report
Les Schneider, Chief of Police, was present to give his monthly employee report. He reported the statistics for August 2010 as follows: 93 calls, 45 reports, 40 traffic stops, 16 citations, 43 mutual assists, and 5 home security checks. Other business discussed:
· Chief Schneider updated the council on the 2 vehicle thefts that occurred in August.
· There were three days during August in which the police department received 10 calls. This contributed to the high number of calls for the month.
· Chief Schneider received the camera for the squad car from MN DPS.
· Officer Krueger was involved in the mock crash at the Renville County Fair as part of the Safe and Sober Campaign.
· The department has assisted the BCA and implemented later patrol shifts due to recent activity in the City.
· POST Board annual compliance mandates will be sent in the end of the month.
· Officer Krueger bought a used rifle from the Renville County Sheriff’s Department. Officer Schneider would like it to be a department rifle. The officers would need to be trained in the use of the rifle.
· The First Response rig was having trouble starting. Repairs were made.
· Mayor Allex asked if Officer Schneider was still working on the new squad car purchase. Officer Schneider replied that he is.
· Council Member Lothert and Mayor Allex will meet with Schneider on October 4 to go over police department issues.
Council Member Bentley moved and Lothert seconded a motion to purchase a rifle from Officer Krueger for $390. The motion carried unanimously.
School Gym Rental
The council again discussed the gym rental agreement at the school building. Clerk Wilson checked into the use of alcohol in the building and found that there are no legal reasons disallowing alcohol in the building. The decision to allow alcohol in the building is up to the council. Mayor Allex stated that he’d like to have the council decide on a case by case basis. Chief Schneider and Mayor Allex brought up concern over renters damaging the gym floor with chairs and tables. Mayor Allex said he doesn’t want to discourage people from using the gym by charging high fees. More discussion took place until the decision was made to allow the council to make a decision about charging rent at the school building on a case by case basis.
Boilers at School
Clerk Wilson left note that Public Works Director Dan Kaufenberg needs to know what to do with the boiler situation. The school will need heat before long and Kaufenberg needs to know if Lonny Davis will be asked to oversee the boilers again or if one boiler will be disabled. Mayor Allex is waiting for a company to return his call that can put equipment on the boilers that will help reduce the fuel expense.
2nd Street East Project
Since the council needs to make some financial decisions regarding the 2nd Street East project, they would like City Auditor Dennis Oberloh to attend the next council meeting to discuss funding options.
Sidewalk Replacement
Sidewalk replacement was discussed again. Council Member Strunc asked if the City has to do things the way they did in the past as far as charging or not charging homeowners for sidewalk repairs and replacements. Bids will be obtained for repairs and replacements.
Council Member Strunc moved and Lothert seconded a motion to approve the bid from Pennings for cement work at the school in the amount of $4,942.50. The motion carried unanimously.
Xcel Energy Contract
A gentleman from the Minnesota Municipal Utility Association will attend a future council meeting to discuss the possibility of starting a municipal electric utility in town.
Proposed 2011 Tax Levy and Budget
The council discussed setting the proposed 2011 tax levy. The final levy will be approved in December. The council wants to have a special meeting on Monday, September 13 to decide on the proposed tax levy for next year.
Council Member Strunc asked about the report for capital outlay from previous years. He asked if it includes money not spent that was budgeted in previous years. No answer was given.
Approve Bills
Council Member Simpson moved and Council Member Lothert seconded a motion to approve the bills in the amount of $10,449.55. The motion passed unanimously.
Budget Workshop Date
The council set a date of November 17, 2010 for a special meeting for a budget workshop. The meeting will be at 7pm.
There being no further business before the council, Council Member Lothert moved and Council Member Bentley seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. With all members voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Sara Wilson, City Clerk