
The city with heart

August 3, 2009 special meeting minutes



Mayor Gene Allex called a special meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 3, 2009.  Council members present:  Sharon Lothert, Al Strunc, Les Schneider, Sr., and Ryan Bentley.  Absent: None


Also present:  City Attorney, Aaron Walton; Police Chief Les Schneider, Jr.; Schneider, Jr.’s Attorney, Don Walser; several Danube residents


The purpose of this special meeting of the Danube City council was for preliminary consideration of charges of misconduct by a City employee.


At 7:05 p.m. the Mayor asked the Danube residents to leave the council chambers to allow for the meeting to be closed.


At 7:45 p.m. the meeting was re-opened and the Danube residents were allowed back into the chambers.  The Mayor told those present that the council decided not to take any action at this time because they want to gather more information.  They feel there is not enough information to make an informed decision on the employment of the City employee. 


At that time the Mayor asked if there were any comments.  Greg and Gayle Danielson felt they don’t see the Police Chief in his uniform and if they see him driving around, it’s in his personal vehicle.  Diane Pfarr asked how Schneider, Jr. can represent the City when he (allegedly) has not obeyed laws.  Judy Lenz expressed concern over the type of role model Schneider, Jr. is setting for Danube’s young people. 


City Attorney, Aaron Walton, stated that the criminal process will take its course and Danube has a prudent council that will not make a rash decision.  The council will take its time to make a decision.


At 7:55 p.m. a motion was made by Sharon Lothert to adjourn the meeting.  Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously



Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk

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