March 11, 2009 council minutes
Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11, 2009. Council members present: Sharon Lothert, Les Schneider, Sr., Al Strunc, and Ryan Bentley. Absent: None
Also present: Police Chief, Les Schneider, Jr. and Kelly Mahoney
A motion was made by Sharon Lothert to approve the agenda with the following additions: Under new business: “Phosphate Management Plan,” “Progress Report to Paper,” “Payroll,” and “Smelt Fry – door open between the bar and hall.” Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Ryan Bentley to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of February 11, 2009 and February 25, 2009 with noted minor corrections. Al Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Les Schneider, Jr., was present to give his monthly report. Items discussed were as follows:
· The number of calls in February was higher than February of last year by 10 calls.
· The property at 100 Oak Street has been dealt with. The sign will be changed to read “no blocking driveway,” the dog feces will be cleaned up and the dogs were licensed.
· The school building continues to be used a lot for walking, youth and adult basketball and church youth groups.
· There was a low battery alarm for the fire alarm at the school building. The batteries in the fire alarm have now been changed.
· Tri-Valley replaced windows at the school with safety glass at no expense to the City.
· There is another spot on the roof of the school building that is leaking in a seam. West Central Roofing will check it out next week if the weather allows.
· Tri-Valley will be back mid March to start getting ready for their school.
· Les reported that when he is given a list of vehicles left on the road during a snow emergency, he talks to the people. The council stated that Les should give a written notice for the first offense and a ticket for the second offense.
· Les assisted with the water main break on 5th Street on March 9 because Dan was gone that day. The break was in a home owner’s yard so a portion of the cost will belong to the homeowner.
· Some First Responders will be attending a presentation on the medical aspects of the Cottonwood bus crash.
· Les’ POST Board license is due in June of this year. Officers need to be re-licensed every 3 years. The cost is $90.
· Les was requested to attend a meeting at BOLD High School with the principal, Olivia Sherriff, and a Renville County Human Services representative regarding some BOLD students that live in Danube.
· The old warming house was vandalized and some baseball bats were stolen. Dan boarded the window up and will put a padlock on the door.
· Les changed the siren to reflect the time change due to daylight saving time.
· Les will be attending the annual Executive Training in Rochester April 5-9.
Gene Allex asked Les Schneider, Jr. if the City has to have a Phosphate Management Plan. Les explained that this came about because the State of MN has lowered the acceptable phosphate level. It will not affect the City of Danube. If the City’s phosphate levels go up, then a management plan will have to be submitted to the State.
Gene Allex asked that a calendar be kept in a common area for the Community Center and School building rentals. The Clerk stated that there is and always has been a calendar kept for this purpose. Les Schneider, Jr. commented that the Clerk does not always know the schedule for the school building because he gets calls at the last minute to open the doors for various reasons.
Kelly Mahoney joined the meeting and asked the council for specifics on what needs to be done to his building that is not in accordance with the building permit he was issued or the City Ordinance. The council told him he needs to comply with the Ordinance and that the City cannot allow for a variance on this issue because if it’s allowed for one person, then others will expect variances as well.
Les Schneider, Sr. reported that Stephanie Conrad is temporarily filling in as director at Tri-Valley until a new director is hired. The director from last year has changed locations. The following improvements were approved at no cost to the City of Danube: air conditioning in rooms 111 & 112 and resurfacing of the kitchen floor. Tri-Valley is going to remove some of the pea rock by the school. Dan will put the pea rock in a pile by the City Shed and use it to fill in holes around town. The lavatory sink will be removed and sandblasted, and then reinstalled because the current paint is chipping off of it. Tri-Valley would like to move the portable basketball hoop at the school.
The council reviewed the upcoming schedules for the Community Center and the School Building. The Smelt Fry will take place March 20 & 21st.
In other business: the possible purchase of a skid loader was tabled until another bid comes in; the Clerk ordered a new time clock today; the Mahoney lawsuit was discussed.
Les Schneider, Sr. made a motion to approve the bills as submitted, with the exception of the Xcel Energy bill and the MN Welding bill. Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The bills approved total $8,595.22. The payroll register didn’t have the employees’ names on it. The Clerk said to get the names on the list, it’s a manual adjustment in the CTAS program and she overlooked it.
A motion was made by Al Strunc to allow the Community Center tables and chairs to be used at the school building on March 28 for the 4th grade Basketball Tournament. Les Schneider, Sr. seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Sam Schult, a League of Minnesota Cities Ambassador, visited with Les Schneider, Sr. and spoke of encouraging Cites to share personnel and equipment in light of the LGA cuts.
After questioning the work comp audit results, Les Schneider, Sr. took a survey of the number of current residents in the City of Danube. His result was 462 people live in Danube. He also surveyed the number of people who reside in the Danube Fire Department District and found that the Fire Department serves 832 people. Les, Sr. is in the process of appealing the results of the work comp audit.
Gene Allex was approached by the Renville Register about the opportunity to put a progress report in the paper regarding things that the City has done. Les Schneider, Sr. mentioned that the Danube residents should be reminded that the council has not increased the property taxes in town for 11 years and the water and sewer rates remain quite low compared to other area cities. It is uncommon for cities to keep the property taxes unchanged for so many years. Danube is a great place to live!
A motion was made by Sharon Lothert to allow the door to be open between the Community Center Hall and Miller’s on Main Bar & Grill on March 20th & 21st for the Smelt Fry. Al Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously with Les Schneider, Sr. and Ryan Bentley abstaining.
There being no further City business to discuss, at 8:50 pm Sharon Lothert made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted: Sara Wilson, City Clerk