May 27, 2009 council meeting minutes
Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27, 2009. Councilmembers present: Sharon Lothert, Les Schneider, Sr., Al Strunc and Ryan Bentley. Absent: None
Also present: Dan Kaufenberg, Public Works Director; Dennis Oberloh from Oberloh and Associates; Greg Danielson, Danube resident
A motion was made by Sharon Lothert to approve the agenda with the addition of “Local Board of Appeal Training” under New Business. Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Greg Danielson, a resident of Danube, addressed the council regarding an evening that Mayor Gene Allex stopped unannounced at his apartment at Sunrise Square. Greg was not happy with how the visit was handled. Al Strunc is now going to be in charge of Sunrise Place maintenance and any problems or concerns regarding the apartments will go to him. Al will introduce himself to the tenants and give them his telephone number.
A motion was made by Ryan Bentley to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2009 council meeting. Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Dan Kaufenberg, Public Works Director, was present to give his monthly employee report. Dan received two quotes to repair the driveway at 103 3rd Street. The driveway had to be partially dug up last year due to a water main break.
A motion was made by Al Strunc to accept the quote of $275 from Pennings Construction to repair the driveway at 103 3rd Street. Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Dan also has done some checking on grease control for the lift station to save on the cost of having a professional clean the lift station every year.
A motion was made by Les Schneider, Sr. to purchase grease control for the lift station from Lawson Products for $432.72. Al Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Other items discussed were as follows:
· All required quarterly testing for the Minnesota Department of Health has been done and reported back fine.
· There are minor holes at the end of a couple residents’ driveways that Dan will fix because they are on the edge of the road.
· The boilers are cleaned and ready for inspection by the State of MN. Dan will ask the inspector some questions about his boiler license.
· The main broom on the sweeper will need replacing soon. It will cost around $500. The sweeper has been draining the batteries. Dan will get quotes for a main broom.
· The City received a curtailment charge billing from Great Plains. The Clerk will get a list of when the City was called by Great Plains to switch to alternative heat in the school building, and to whom Great Plains talked to each time.
· Dan was asked to do some repairs on the overhead doors in the fire hall.
· Dan will check to see that residents have their sump pump drains out properly when he reads water meters at the beginning of June.
Dennis Oberloh from Oberloh and Associates was present to present the 2008 audit report. He went over the financial reports and answered questions the council members asked.
Crack sealing the streets was discussed. It does not need to be done this year. The seal coating on Pine Street and Maple Street is coming up. The Clerk will call Bargen, Inc., who did the work, and ask them to come to the next council meeting to tell the council why this is happening.
A motion was made by Les Schneider, Sr. to have L & S Services show the City a sample of their new process to repair the streets, at a cost of $600. Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Les Schneider, Sr. to rescind the motion on May 27, 2009 that was made to allow Service Master and Hillyard do the floors in the school building and the Community Center and instead have Perry Henke clean and wax the floors. Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The Clerk was given a list of the residents on 2nd Street East. She showed the council the letter that will be sent to the property owners regarding paving 2nd Street East.
In other old business, the following was discussed:
· No discussion on the school building.
· No update on the Mahoney lawsuit
· The rental schedule for the Community Center and school gym was reviewed.
· There was no list available for blighted properties.
· A list of unlicensed dogs was given to Les Schneider, Jr.
· The skid loader has not yet been received.
· The Community Center locks have not been changed.
· The false wall in the chlorine room is not complete.
· There was no update on the FEMA plan. Gene Allex will call on that.
· There was no information on new telephone rates.
· Al Strunc will call for quotes on painting the fire hall.
· Highway 212 may be used in town at this time, and also to drive to Olivia.
· Al Strunc will look at the shingles at Sunrise Place.
· The lawns needing mowing were taken care of.
A motion was made by Ryan Bentley to approve the bills as submitted, not including the curtailment charge from Great Plains, in the amount of $13,509.04.
Information on TULIP was given to the council members. It is an insurance policy that a renter of a city facility may purchase. The council also received information on This is an organization that wants to help small town businesses and they may be seen in the area.
A motion was made by Sharon Lothert to approve a building permit for Cal Lueck to build a small deck on his house. Les Schneider, Sr. seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
In the back yard of a local resident, there is a little structure being built. The council decided it is most likely some kids building a little fort and is not a problem.
The Danube Historical Society has requested permission to install a water hydrant near the Depot, where there is currently a water shut off. A motion was made by Les Schneider, Sr. to allow the farm hydrant to be installed approximately 50 feet southeast of the Depot, at the cost of the Danube Historical Society. Al Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
There have been items dumped at the brush site that are not allowed. Les Schneider, Jr. was informed of this and will check into it.
The City received a donation request from Renville County Heartland Express. A motion was made by Les Schneider, Sr. to give nothing to Heartland Express. Sharon Lothert seconded. The motion died due to Al Strunc and Ryan Bentley voting against the motion, followed by Gene Allex breaking the tie with his vote against the motion. The topic will be put back on the agenda for the next meeting.
The council received notice of the schedule for the Local Board of Appeals training. The Clerk will register Al Strunc and Ryan Bentley for the class on August 12, 2009 in Willmar.
There being no further discussion, at 9:35 p.m. a motion was made by Sharon Lothert to adjourn the meeting. Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted: Sara Wilson, City Clerk