
The city with heart

April 8, 2009 council minutes



Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8, 2009.  Council members present:  Sharon Lothert, Les Schneider, Sr., Al Strunc and Ryan Bentley. 


Also present:  Dan Kaufenberg


A motion was made by Sharon Lothert to approve the agenda with the following additions:  Under old business: “Mahoney Case” and “Maintenance/Custodian Applications” and under new business: “MN Dept of Health CCR Report” and “FEMA.”  Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Al Strunc to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 25, 2009 with one noted minor correction.  Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


Dan Kaufenberg, Public Works Director, was present to give his monthly employee report.  Items were discussed as follows:

·         Dan took his boiler license test on April 7 and passed.  There is conflicting information as to whether this license will allow Dan to take full control of the boilers.  Gene will check into this matter.

·         The Dept of Health was here to take samples from the chlorine room and well house.  The Dept of Health requires a false wall to be built in the chlorine room to prevent a person from getting in the room far enough to have the door shut.  The Dept. of Health also wants the space narrowed between the bars on the cage around the water tower so nobody can get through. 

·         John from J&R Wastewater contacted Dan to ask if he should come clean out the lift station.  The council recommended that Dan put a filter of sorts in the bottom of the lift station to filter out large items flushed into the system.  Dan will also check on chemicals to dissolve grease on the pumps rather than having J&R Wastewater clean them every year. 

·         The skid loader bids were discussed and tabled until the next meeting. 


Gene Allex received a letter from the MN Dept of Health regarding consumer confidence reporting regarding the Danube water.  This report will be put in the paper by July 1, 2009.


Dan began removing the pea rock at the school playground.  Once he got off the pavement, the pea rock was 4 feet deep.  He discontinued removing the rock until Tri-Valley decides what they’d like to do.


A motion was made by Sharon Lothert to have the door open between Millers on Main and the Community Center for the DAAC Steak & Shrimp Feed on April 17th.  Al Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 


Les Schneider, Sr. informed the council of the reason the police car was used to take a Danube resident to the grocery store in Olivia.  Les, Sr. spoke to Les Schneider, Jr. and Officer Marcel Krueger about using the squad car in this manner.  Les, Jr. said a resident was going into a diabetic coma, had no food in the house and no means of transportation.  Les, Jr. had to go to the courthouse, so he took the resident with him and took him to the grocery store.  Les, Sr. commented that the police department is here to protect and serve Danube residents and feels that is what Les, Jr. did. 


Another $50,000 CD will be maturing April 16th.  The clerk will either put the funds into the City’s savings account or will purchase a CD from the bank that has the highest interest rate.


Ryan Bentley made a motion to approve the bills as submitted in the amount of $6,939.90.  Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


Les Schneider, Sr. updated the council on the Mahoney case. 


The council reviewed the applications for the Community Center Custodian and the Summer Maintenance positions.  No decisions were made.


The clerk will send a letter to all local non-profit organizations reminding them of the cleaning instructions.  This will be done annually. 


The clerk was asked by a Danube resident about putting an ad in the paper for the city wide garage sale.  The City does not pay for this.  Sharon Lothert will call the resident that requested it. 


A motion was made by Les Schneider, Sr. to establish a policy to charge people 25¢ per page when requesting copies of City documents.  Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


A letter was received by FEMA regarding establishing a plan of action in case of a city emergency.  Sharon Lothert will check with Larry at the county office to see if this is the same plan the City adopted through the County. 


There being no further business, at 8:30 p.m. Ryan Bentley made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.



Respectfully submitted:  Sara Wilson, City Clerk

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