December 9, 2009 - council meeting minutes
Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9, 2009. Council members present: Sharon Lothert, Al Strunc, and Ryan Bentley. Absent: None
Also present: Police Chief, Les Schneider.
A motion was made by Sharon Lothert to approve the agenda with the following additions under New Business: “building permits”, “MN Mayors Association”, and “snow removal agreements” and under Old Business: ”LGA.” Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Lothert to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 18, 2009. Al Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Police Chief, Les Schneider, was present and gave his monthly employee report. Police Department activity was very similar to last year. Police Department statistics for November 2009 were as follows: Calls: 53, Reports: 32, Traffic Stops: 44, Citations: 16, Mutual Assists: 29, Home Security Checks: 2. The following was also discussed:
· Officer Schneider reviewed the Halloween bar compliance check conclusion which stated the local bartender would only receive a verbal warning for serving alcohol to a minor.
· Schneider had quotes for roof repairs from West Central Roofing. The quotes were to put a new roof on two parts of the school building. Next week Schneider and Strunc will go on the roof with Cal from West Central Roofing and Danube’s Public Works Director, Dan Kaufenberg to see what should be done. Strunc expressed disappointment in how long it’s taken to get something done on the roof. Now it’s too late in the year to do the repairs and will have to wait until spring. Strunc advised that, in the future, when leaks are found, they get fixed immediately. He said the a flat roof can’t have leaks as it will ruin the building.
· Mayor Allex told Schneider that the extra school keys still need to be given to the Clerk at the City Office. Schneider said he’d bring them the following day. Allex stated that he had tried calling Schneider to get a key to get in the school and Schneider did not return his call. Strunc asked that Schneider draw a diagram showing what keys are for which doors at the school and also making a list of who has which keys.
· Strunc will talk to former councilmember, Les Schneider, Sr., on Thursday and ask Schneider, Sr. to introduce him to the office staff at Tri-Valley. Strunc will be the new contact person for Tri-Valley and will represent the city council.
· Schneider, Jr. told the council that some toddler toys belonging to Tri-Valley had scuffed the gym floor in some spots and Shelly at Tri-Valley’s Apple Valley office said they will pay for the spots to get touched up in the spring.
· While Kaufenberg was on vacation, Schneider checked water and wastewater.
· Schneider received quotes for new tires for the squad car. He’s aiming at sending state bids in for a new squad car in December 2010. Some of the equipment in the current squad car will transfer over to a new one, but some of it will have to be replaced.
· The council discussed the part-time officers with Schneider. Schneider recommended a 50 cent raise for each part-time officer for 2010. Bentley mentioned that he often sees Officer Krueger in Olivia with the squad car and wondered why he’s there. Schneider stated that sometimes he’s there to do paperwork or to wash the squad car. The council notices that when Officer Hotovec is on duty, he is very visible around town.
· Schneider advised the council that the Christmas lights went up on November 30 and they are being left on all night. Strunc asked if there are any more decorations such as wraps for the light poles. Kaufenberg put new lights in some of the decorations.
· Schneider reported that the First Response payroll for 2009 was $1,880. Part of the increase in payroll was due to the fact that the per call rate increased from $8 to $10 in 2009. The First Response training and annual meeting will be on January 28, 2010. Schneider is currently working on getting a new defibrillator at no cost.
· On December 8, Schneider and Krueger attended a training to learn about what servicemen are dealing with when they return home. The training was free and they received 4 POST credits.
· Schneider was asked how the annual Police State Aid is figured. Schneider thinks it is dependent on the size of the department.
· Allex asked if the Police Department cell phone is always with Schneider. Schneider responded that it is.
A motion was made by Strunc to purchase four new tires for the squad car from Danube Auto Works at an installed cost of $452.40. Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
In other business:
· The purchase order for the new lawn mower was signed by Mayor Allex.
· Lothert suggested that Strunc introduce himself to the people at Santa’s Closet at the school.
· There were no updates on the Mahoney lawsuit
· The council vacancy will be left open for one more month.
· The phone service has not been switched to Mediacom yet.
· No additional donations have been received for the playground project.
· There was nothing new to report on the zoning issue.
· No action was taken on the SW Initiative Fund donation request.
· The Oberloh and Associates engagement letter was signed by the Mayor.
· MN Mayors Association discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
The property footages along 2nd Street East need to be obtained. Strunc said he’d ask for them from the Renville County Assessor’s Office.
The council reviewed the upcoming rental schedule for the Community Center and school building. Lothert suggested asking non-profit organizations that use the Community Center free of charge to possibly donate something such as money towards the playground. Lothert also expressed concern over alcohol being brought into the school building when activities such as
men’s basketball or adult dodgeball are taking place. Lothert stated that as she understands, alcohol isn’t allowed on City property unless the party bringing it has proof of insurance. She doesn’t want to see the City liable if there is an accident or injury involving alcohol.
The receipt from Dan Wersal for electricity was questioned. He pays an annual pre-determined amount for his building next to the Community Center because he doesn’t have a separate meter. Strunc said Wersal should have his own meter. Allex will talk to Wersal about it.
Due to the fact that the Clerk cannot access information on the City’s credit card, she was asked to find out how to go about cancelling the credit card.
A motion was made by Lothert to approve the bills as submitted in the amount of $43,778.46. Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The City’s fee schedule was reviewed. A motion was made by Strunc, seconded by Bentley and carried unanimously, to adopt the 2010 fee schedule as follows:
· Zoning (Building) permits $ 20.00
· Dog License (Annual) $ 5.00
· On Sale Liquor License $ 2,100.00
· Off Sale Liquor License $ 100.00
· Temporary Liquor License $ 10.00
· Raffle Permit $ 0.00
· Returned Check Fee (NSF) $ 30.00
· Water Reconnect Fees $ 25.00
o 2nd occurrence with in
24 months $ 100.00
o 3rd occurrence with in
24 months $ 200.00
· Fee to reconnect water after
regular business hours $ 200.00
· Mileage Reimbursement Rate ~use current government rate~
A motion was made by Lothert, seconded by Bentley and carried unanimously, to adopt the salary and wage schedule as follows:
· Chief of Police, Les Schneider, Jr.: $1650.64 per bi-weekly pay period plus $200 monthly for insurance and water/wastewater license maintenance.
· Part-time Officers, Dan Hotovec: $13.50 per hour; Marcel Krueger: $11.50 per hour.
· Public Works Director, Dan Kaufenberg: $16.15 per hour plus $150 per month for insurance.
· City Clerk-Treasurer, Sara Wilson: $13.02 per hour.
A motion was made by Strunc to pay the $35 annual membership fee for Wilson to join the Minnesota Clerks & Finance Officers Association (MCFOA) and also to attend the MCFOA Annual Conference in March 2010. Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The City has 3 CDs maturing before the end of the year. The clerk will have interest rates for savings accounts and CDs at area banks for the next meeting.
A motion was made by Strunc to approve building permits for a roof on the Danube Auto building and storage shed on the property of Don Lothert. Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Strunc stated that the City’s current building permit ordinance should be revamped. Wilson will copy the ordinance for the council members.
A motion was made by Strunc to pay the following rates for snow removal: $50 per hour to Art Nyquist using his tractor and driver and the City’s snowblower; $55 per hour to Bob Kopel using his equipment and driver, and $10 per hour to Sam Lang to drive the City’s truck. Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The council reviewed the blank maintenance log that the Clerk brought in order for Kaufenberg to record his time spent on various activities during the day. She will give the form to Kaufenberg.
The council reviewed accumulated vacation, sick, and comp time and would like to continue to receive regular updates.
Minimal budget discussion took place. The budget will be finalized at the next meeting, after all the expenditures and receipts of the year have been entered.
There being no further discussion, at 10:20 p.m. a motion was made by Lothert to adjourn the meeting. Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted: Sara Wilson, City Clerk