August 12, 2009 council meeting minutes
Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 12, 2009. Councilmembers present: Sharon Lothert, Al Strunc, Les Schneider, Sr., and Ryan Bentley. Absent: None
Also present: Police Chief, Les Schneider, Jr. and several local residents
A motion was made by Sharon Lothert to approve the agenda with the addition of “Meeting Minutes in Newspaper” under new business. Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Al Strunc to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 22, 2009. Les Schneider, Sr. seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Strunc to approve the minutes of the special meeting of August 3, 2009. Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Police Chief, Les Schneider, Jr., was present and gave his monthly employee report. Police calls were up from this time last year. The statistics for July 2009 are as follows: Calls: 67; Reports: 45; Traffic Stops: 64; Citations: 20; Mutual Assists: 41; Home Security Checks: 4.
Other items covered by Chief Schneider were as follows:
· Danube Fun Days went well and the use of barricades from the City of Olivia was much appreciated.
· POST Board Continuing Education reimbursement forms were sent in.
· Regarding Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, who leases the school building: a fire drill was held on July 21; on August 11 the Danube Police Dept., Fire Dept., and First Responders participated in a Vehicle Fair on the school grounds; a possible bat problem is being dealt with.
· Approximately 15 dogs on the City’s records have not been licensed but should be within a month. Some aren’t in town anymore, while others still need to get their shots.
· Blighted properties have been taken care of.
· The squad car was taken to Mills Ford to investigate the check engine light coming on.
· The police dept. has been handing out Trading Cards given to the department by MCPA.
· The First Responders purchased 4 OSHA approved reflective vests from Pro Action in Willmar at approximately $35 each.
· Some of the street lights on Main Street have been fixed by Xcel Energy. There were approximately 12 non-working lights before Fun Days.
Les Schneider, Sr. will contact City Attorney, Aaron Walton for an update on the Mahoney case.
The Community Center rentals were reviewed by the council and include a bridal shower, a MinnWest Bank event and a Danube Senior Citizens gathering.
Mayor Gene Allex reported that he went through the list of unlicensed dogs with Les Schneider, Jr. Allex hopes to have the number cut in half by the next meeting.
A letter will be sent out to property owners on 2nd Street East to inform them of the vote deciding in favor of paving the street. Duininck’s will have an estimate to Schneider, Sr. before the next council meeting. He will ask for an estimate using both asphalt and concrete.
John Stahl stopped in the clerk’s office regarding the redetermination of benefits of the ditch. The clerk will call Stahl and ask him to go ahead with the redetermination as long as there is no cost to the City.
A motion was made by Schneider, Sr. to approve the bills as submitted in the amount of $17,331.72. Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Other items briefly discussed were:
· Allex plans to work with Schneider, Jr. on updating the City’s emergency plan for FEMA.
· The clerk will check into business phone rates from Hughes Net by the next council meeting.
· There is no required contribution by the City to the Danube Fire Relief Association this year.
· The Certified Local Government Aid (LGA) for 2010 is $138,300.
· The council was informed of an upcoming public hearing being held by the Renville County Planning Commission regarding amending the Renville County Land Use Ordinance.
In discussion regarding City action on the allegations against a City employee, Sharon Lothert pointed out that the additional data retrieved from the City Attorney had not been reviewed by Strunc or Schneider, Sr. The clerk notified the council that they can only look at personnel files as a council and not on an individual basis. Lothert commented that Danube citizens have been asking her why the council hasn’t done anything regarding the allegations. Schneider, Sr. stated that there is a legal liability that the City needs to be aware of. Lothert expressed her concern over the lack of answers to questions presented to the City Attorney and feels that the letter received by the council from the City Attorney basically says to do nothing. Lothert wonders if the City should look for a new attorney. Lothert also stressed that at the last council meeting, all council members agreed to look at the additional data before this meeting. She said it’s the council’s responsibility to do things in a timely manner. Schneider, Sr. suggested that after the council meeting, the others look over the data. Lothert again said that the council has a list of things that are not getting done.
Lothert has also been approached by citizens wondering why the meeting minutes are not published in the newspaper. Schneider, Sr. stated that cost is the main issue. He said the council
has dealt with this several times and has always voted against publishing the minutes in the
newspaper because of the cost. By the next meeting, Lothert will find out how much it costs to publish the minutes in the Renville Register.
After a brief correspondence session on the Clerk’s Conference, playground equipment and Community Service opportunities, a motion was made by Lothert to adjourn the meeting at
7:55 p.m. Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted: Sara Wilson, City Clerk