February 25, 2009 council minutes
Gene Allex called the regular meeting of the Danube City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 25, 2009. Council members present: Sharon Lothert, Les Schneider, Sr., Al Strunc, and Ryan Bentley. Absent: None
Also present: Dan Kaufenberg, Public Works Director
A motion was made by Al Strunc to approve the agenda with the addition of “Larry Zuepke & John Stahl – Ditch System & Drain Tile” under new business. Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Dan Kaufenberg, Public Works Director, was present to give his monthly report. Items discussed were as follows:
· A company from the cities used sensors to find the water main break at a cost of $100/hour. Large chunks of asphalt are pushing down and cracking the pipes.
· Valley Electric switched out the circuit breakers on pump #5 and now it’s working fine.
· Skid loader quotes were discussed. There are 2,666 hours on the skid loader.
· Discussion took place about Dan taking his Class C Boilers License test. He can take the test in Granite Falls in March.
· Dan will get quotes for wiring the new pumps. He will call Jim Sullivan.
· Dan is replacing steam traps on the west side of the gym along the tunnels.
· On February 5 Braun Pump was here to check pumps at the lift station. The two pumps are not switching back and forth. The fuse relays should be replaced. Braun Pump also did their annual inspection while they were here.
· The Hawkins Water Treatment Supply bill was discussed. The bill was for chlorine that is puchased 2 times per year.
· Al Strunc asked about getting good drinking water. Dan will check into this.
· The Community Center seam has shifted. The ladies stall door doesn’t shut. The latch won’t catch.
· When cars are left on the street during snow plowing, Dan needs to get the license plate numbers and give them to Les Schneider, Jr. so Les can issue a ticket. Dan has done this and nothing has been done.
A motion was made by Les Schneider, Sr. to have Minnesota Welding & Boiler Services remove the condensate tank and pumps and replace with a new pump set. Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Larry Zuepke and John Stahl were present to discuss the storm water drain tile for the county ditch that runs goes through Danube. The County Board sets the assessment. Summary sheets are in the red for 7 years. 1999 is the last time there was an assessment. The bottom tile blew out last year in the crep field to the ditch. It needs to be modified at some point in order for the discharge to pass. The tile is adequate for the city. The City owes $8,500 to the County for repairs. It is being suggested to start doing work this spring. The City can do it on its own.
A motion was made by Ryan Bentley to allow Tri-Valley to replace the classroom hall doors at no cost to the City. Al Strunc seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The Community Center and School building rental activity was reviewed. In addition to regular monthly and weekly activities, the Legion will be holding their annual meeting at the hall on February 26, the Lions will have a waffle feed on February 28 and Winfield Township will hold their annual meeting on March 10.
In other business: The property at 100 Oak Street was discussed. Gene Allex will talk to Les Schneider, Jr. about it; The skid loader replacement is on hold; The clerk’s position was discussed; The purchase of a 2nd time clock was discussed again. All employees will punch in and out and also for lunch break. Ryan will call Northern Business Products for a time clock.
A motion was made by Al Strunc to purchase a time clock. Les Schneider, Sr. seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Al Strunc to approve the bills as submitted in the amount of $18,815.70. Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Al Strunc to approve the building permit for Brad Ridl to install egress windows at his home. Ryan Bentley seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
There being no further discussion, at 10:00 pm Ryan Bentley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Sharon Lothert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted: Sharon Lothert, councilmember