Lead Service Lines
The Minnesota Department of Health and the City of Danube are working together to document the presence of lead pipes in our water systems. We need your help!
Click the link below to take a short survey about your property's water service pipe. All you'll need is a coin, magnet, smartphone, and 5 minutes! Your participation will go a long way in making significant improvements to our water system!
Emerald Ash Borer
Good Afternoon,
I am Jonathan Osthus with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and am the technical assistance coordinator for emerald ash borer (EAB) in Minnesota. We have detected an infestation of EAB in Danube after MDA inspectors identifed numerous infested trees when completing early detection surveys in the area. The infestation was found throughout the entire city with many ash trees showing early signs of infestation. We collected a larval sample that is currently being sent off for official confirmation by USDA.
Emerald ash borer kills ash trees. All ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) are susceptible to EAB. The location of some of the infested trees will be visible on our EAB status map if you zoom into the city once the official announcement is made. The map has a several mile buffer around known infested points called the “generally infested area” and this means any ash tree within that area has a high likelihood of having EAB at some level whether showing signs of infestation or not.
Since this is the first detection of EAB in Renville County, an emergency quarantine will be placed on the county to restrict the movement of ash material and hardwood firewood.
A virtual informational meeting to provide the basics of EAB biology, early detection, mangment and regulations will be held after the official announcement is made. The presentation will last about 40 minutes with time for questions at the end. It will also be recorded and made available following the meeting. I will provide those details as soon as they are available.
MDA EAB Resources:
- MDA staff is available this winter to help train city staff in how to identify EAB and answer management questions.
- There is a wealth of information that cover the basics of EAB biology, detection, management, and regulations available at www.mda.state.mn.us/eab.
DNR Urban and Community Forestry Program Resources:
DNR Forest Stewardship Program
One of the most important things will be to make sure residents are aware that EAB is in the area and to begin making decisions on what they’d like to do with their ash trees. If residents want to save their ash trees, then they should begin having their trees treated with insecticide next spring/summer. More information for homeowners can be found at https://www.mda.state.mn.us/eab-info-homeowners. Hennepin County has also created a useful flow chart for residents that lays out a decision guide for managing ash trees.
The basic options for a property owner are the following:
- If the ash tree still looks healthy enough after leafing out (no more than 30% canopy decline), you can begin having it treated with insecticide to begin protecting it this spring/summer. This is an annual or biennial expense and best to have a professional tree care company with a certified arborist on staff assess the health of the tree and apply the treatment. If the tree is over 15” in diameter at breast height it is important to have a licensed pesticide applicator treat the tree. The chemicals available to the average homeowner typically aren’t rated for trees that size or larger. Homeowners guide to insecticide selection
- If the tree is past the point of being a good candidate for treatment or would prefer not to go that route, plan to do removals during fall, winter, or early spring. Try to avoid doing any pruning or removals during the summer months (May-Sept) when EAB is actively flying around. Ash trees become very brittle and hazardous quickly after they die and that can greatly increase removal costs depending on where it happens to be located in the yard. It typically takes about 2-3 years for signs of infestation to become initially visible (i.e. woodpecker damage in branches 2-6 inches in diameter) and a total of 5-6 years for EAB to kill the tree.
- If the ash trees are in a natural area where they don’t pose hazards to persons or property, they can be left to die and fall apart.
- As for the wood, it is best if it can be kept as close to where it was cut as possible. You can save it for firewood and burn on-site, bring to closest tree waste disposal site, or have a tree care company haul it if you hire one to cut the tree. It is just important that the wood doesn’t get hauled outside of the known infested area and emerald ash borer quarantine restrictions are followed.
All Danube Residents
Please DO NOT flush flushable wipes, sanitary napkins, or other items that claim to be flushable down the toilets. They DO NOT break down quick enough and are clogging the system.
Please DO NOT pour grease down the drains. These items may cause blockages in the system.
Please DO NOT mow your grass into the curbs or your leaves. This too will clog up the system.
Please DO NOT leave your vehicles, trailers or other items on the road during snow removal.
By working together we can make a difference. Thank You!
The City of Danube is located 100 miles west of the Twin Cities on Highway 212. Founded in 1901, Danube now has a population of 492.
The quiet, friendly community offers several recreational areas including a city park, tennis court, softball fields and ice/hockey rink. Golf and swimming facilities are located in nearby towns.
Our nice, quiet neighborhoods are an excellent place to raise children. Danube is part of the Renville County West (RCW) School system. Children in our community are also involved in Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, along with 4-H clubs and church youth groups.
To learn more about the City of Danube, please browse through the remainder of our web site. You will find the mailing address and location of City Hall in the FAQ section. Be sure to stop back often, as information will change on a regular basis!
Drop Box Now Available at the City Office Building
Danube City Parks Now Open
- Practice social distancing.
- Park surfaces, shelters and restrooms are not sanitized.
- Stay home if you or someone in your household is sick.
- Wash your hands before and after visiting, per CDC guidelines.
You are responsible for yourself and your children.
Learn more of how to protect yourself at www.cdc.gov
COVID-19 Update
In order to do our part to help reduce the spread of the Coronavirus, we are following the most recent advice from the Governor’s office and the Centers for Disease Control to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of our community. The city encourages people to use their best judgement when interacting with people, and strongly suggests taking appropriate sanitary measures to avoid possible spread of the virus.
If you believe you have symptoms of the virus, it is recommended that you first start with the hospital’s online eClinic, located on the RC Hospital website at www.rchospital.com. RC Hospital requests that before you seek care in-person concerning this virus, you are asked to call ahead to the hospital at 1-800-916-1836. Please be aware, RC Hospital is closed to visitors, for more information about the temporary restriction click here. For information about COVID-19 from RC Hospital please click here.
Together our preventative measures will help to reduce the impact of this virus on our community. We thank you for your help in this effort.
Stay up to date with these helpful links:
Updates for Renville County Food Shelf can be found at https://www.renvillecountymn.com/departments/public_health/food_shelf.php
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
RC Hospital & Clinics
Minnesota Department of Health
Map of MN Cases - where you can track the current spread in Minnesota
Chronological list of all the Governor’s actions since COVID-19 arrived in Minnesota
Keep track of new executive orders HERE

The 2023 & 2024 Recycling and Garbage Schedule is available by clicking on the link below